Sunday, February 27, 2011

Flooding Waters

O how I love the sound of rain… to sit in a house with thin walls and listen to beads of water beat up against the windowpanes and walls of wood that separate me from the world. United with raging wind and pounding thunder, the sound of rain makes heart untroubled in peace. An oxymoron? By no means. Somewhere in the midst of the virulent storm I take a deep breath and everything troubling my mind seems to fade away.

What did Noah think of rain? As he sat in the ark and heard crashing waves for the first time, did he enjoy the thudding waters and claps of thunder although he had no language for it? Did he meditate on the peace of God? Did he watch in awe as rips of lighting raced across the sky? Did he feel his heart beating in his throat as the turbulent rapids struck against the boat, knowing all former life was now being stripped away? Did it make him forget the scoffing voices that were by then drowning in oceans which never before existed?

Rain breaks up the trepidation which once separated one from God. It consumes the insecurity that crept in unnoticed, leaving a vacant lot in your heart that only He can fill. It shatters the façade of deception which the soul has built since the last time the clouds burst. It causes one to let go.

Rain causes one to hope. I believe it’s the only act in nature that truly reflects the emotions and power of God. He weeps over the oppression of His people, so He sends healing rain. He changes the atmosphere. And oh what a day it will be when rain falls upon America again…

Then after the downpour has ceased and the morning rises, it’s suddenly spring. The ground is moist with dew and I take what will probably be the deepest breath for a long time. Silence meets serenity and for a moment I can breathe. I listen again. Birds. O how I love the sound of birds singing in the morning…